Thursday, July 7, 2011

Nassim Nicholas Taleb - Fooled by Randomness

  • Just because something hasn't happened in the past, doesn't mean it won't occur in the future.
  • For this reason he buys options on unlikely events because their is no accurate model for determining its risk, so for the most part it will be underpriced
  • Jamie Dimon of JPM said the crash was a 25 sigma event that means it shouldn't happen in millions of universes over billions of years.  Yet over the last 100 years, we have witnessed several of these 'unlikely' events.
  • LTCM was based on this belief as well, took less than 5 years for a different model to break.  
    • LTCM sold everything US and bought everything that yielded higher.
    • CDS markets swamped the CDO markets leading to many financial institutions going bankrupt.
    • Follow the debt to get the answer of who will get screwed.

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