Friday, March 4, 2011

FT - How to read 10k
  • First, go to item 7. This is where a company has to give its most thorough assessment of current conditions and future prospects. it is here that shareholders might discover that a corporation holds most of its liquid assets overseas, or that a large proportion of its financing is off-balance sheet.
  • Consider management's views alongside risk factors outlined earlier in item 1A
  • Look at the explanation for difference in GAAP and non-GAAP measures. Whether the exceptional events that flattered the non-GAAP numbers are really one-offs.
  • Credit Suisse analysts recommend looking at accumulated other comprehensive income, where anything from currency gains and losses to changes in pension fund status can be found.
  • Lawsuit potential damages are listed in item 3
  • Look at foot notes. They have info on gross positions for derivative assets and liabilities rather than netting them off(current profit / loss)
  • If goodwill has been impaired, try to find out why. Do the reasons reconcile w/ management's expectations for earnings power in item 7?

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