Tuesday, February 22, 2011

  • Housing numbers still negative - case shiller 20 city is -2.38% yoy (-2.4% expected)
  • Oil is up 8% on Libya unrest...market also selling off about 2% - fear is that turmoil will spread to Saudi Arabia and Iran. Oil current price is $94, breaking point for US is $120 (Merrill Lynch)
  • Copper is down almost 3.5%, it has not moved for the last month while equities have been rallying. Usually copper is forward looking
  • Still positive because of 'market drum beat' (eps moving higher, upward eps revisions)
  • Good - ECRI still improving, St. Louis Fed Stress still improving (it's even slightly negative now!), Philly Fed had a big jump (small improvement was meaningless), Rail Traffic was good for industrial production,
  • Bad - Existing home sales were overstated by about 15%, retail sales were a big disappointment, initial claims were up
  • Week ahead
    • energy prices!
    • interest rates
    • case-shiller if its mildly positive, that would be good since bad expectations are built into market. number came in as expected so there was no effect

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