Monday, February 14, 2011

  • Warren Buffet indicator US Stock Market vs GNP is at 106%, > 100% supposed to be overvalued, <>

  • Eurozone core CPI at 1.1%, CPI at 2.4%. With Unemployment at 10%, unlikely that CPI will move up.
  • China core CPI at 2.1% , overall at 4.9%

  • San Diego housing prices are definitely rolling over, w/ almost 5% dip from Dec - Jan

ADash -
  • The early expectation is for 2012 to have total net income passing the $1 Trillion mark to $1.0113 Trillion. That will also put the “EPS” for the S&P 500 over the $100 “per share” level for the first time at $106.79. That is up from $57.71 for 2009, $82.93 for 2010, and $95.20 for 2011. In an environment where the 10-year T-note is yielding 3.63%, a P/E of 15.8x based on 2010 and 13.7x based on 2011 earnings looks attractive. The P/E based on 2012 earnings is 12.2x.
  • Bank loan requirements (1/25/11) allowed for provisions where mark to market is not necessary and loans can be amortized, while making reasonable allowances for loan losses. This is small business friendly and therefore 'good'.
  • Interest rates are higher
  • Michigan Consumer sentiment missed.
  • Smart money indicator (last 1 hour of the day smart money buys while dumb money buys in the beginning of the day). If you look at YTD performance, open is up .04% while last hour is up .08%.

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